Althea's Silent 1-Day Getaway

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Disconnect from electronics, media, work and responsibility as you relax in the peace and serenity of Althea's Soul Space Sanctuary. 3 large rooms with plush beds, fluffy pillows, and soft blankets give you the space to spread out for rest. 1/2 an acre of outdoor space allows you to ground and connect in nature. Event fee is $369 - Althea will provide:

  • An opening and closing healing ceremony
  • Healthy snacks, salad and smoothies
  • A powerful playlist of uplifting, soulful music
  • Energy healing with tuning forks, aromatherapy & crystals
  • Journaling prompts
  • A safe environment to release and be

Cell phones will be collected at the door and returned at the end of the event. A kitchen is available - participants may bring their own snacks and meals.

**No refunds for any reason. Registration is fully transferable to another person.

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